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Calport is looking to invest in / provide funding to a web development agency in India
2022-08-06 00:34 -We are looking for a young and energetic team who needs funding to grow. We are looking for someone who was like Calport used to be twenty-five years ago. If we find the right team, we will be able to invest upto 1 crore in the hope that this team will do the great things in the next twenty-five years that Calport has done in the last twenty-five.
Do you have a strong IT team, good leadership and an ambitious plan for the future? Is funding the only thing holding you back from multiplying your market share? If so, tell us a bit about yourselves by filling out the form below and then we could talk.
COVID-19 Response: We will continue to deliver uptime, reliability & support
2020-04-04 08:56 -The world has changed due to the coronavirus lockdown. Society and economy in India is in the process of being rebooted.
We are keeping the interests of our customers and our employees at the forefront of our decision making. For our customers, we are committed to the goal of business as usual. All systems will operate normally through the lockdown period. Our invoices are being generated and sent via email and SMS as usual but we have stopped issuing reminders for late payment of invoices. Customers will pay when they can; we will not interrupt or suspend services due to non-payment of invoices. For our employees we have already implemented WFH successfully.
We are doing the right thing and doing it the best we can.
RERA SaaS is finalist at mBillionth 2017 award
2017-06-23 02:38 -RERA SaaS is finalist in the “Smart Settlements & Urbanisation” category, which “recognises the use of mobile applications that support mobility, crowdsourcing urban data and sharing information, sustainable living applications, smart cities and work environment applications”.
Listserv: new fluid hybrid responsive email template
2015-06-10 02:02 -There are many phones and tablets in India which do not fully support media queries, so the responsive websites and responsive email which use these to look great on the latest Android and iOS devices will look all topsy turvy on devices which run a slightly older versions of Android.
Listserv is enhanced by Rackspace CDN
2015-05-10 02:51 -Listserv now links all images to a CDN so that when people view the email messages that Listserv sends out, the images embedded in the email load really fast. This new feature should help improve user experience.